Signs of Tattoo Infection & What To Do

Your tattoo is a beautiful commitment, but like all open skin wounds, it can be susceptible to infections. It's crucial to be able to recognize the early signs of an infection, so you can take action immediately.

Signs of Infection:

Swelling: A little swelling immediately after getting tattooed can be normal. However, if the swelling persists for several days or worsens, it may be cause for concern.

Persistent Redness: While some redness is common after getting tattooed, if it remains intense and doesn't fade after a couple of days, this could indicate an infection.

Unusual Discharge: It's typical for a fresh tattoo to leak some ink and plasma. However, if you notice yellowish-green pus or if the discharge has an unpleasant odor, it might be a sign of infection.

Prolonged Pain or Increased Pain: Some pain is expected after getting a tattoo, but if the pain doesn't decrease after a few days or suddenly intensifies, it could be indicative of an issue.

Warmth: If the tattooed area feels warm or hot to the touch after the first day, it's a potential sign of an infection.

Fever: A fever or chills can be a sign that your body is trying to fight off an infection.

Rashes or Bumps: Any rashes, bumps, or blisters appearing around the tattooed area could indicate an allergic reaction or an infection.

What to Do if You Suspect an Infection:

Contact Us: The first thing you should do is give us a call at 770-518-4073. As professionals who've dealt with tattoos day in and day out, we can offer initial guidance and assess if what you're experiencing is typical or concerning.

Consult a Doctor: If you observe any of the signs mentioned above, it's essential to see a doctor promptly, preferably one experienced with skin conditions. They can diagnose the situation accurately and prescribe any necessary medications or treatments.

Please remember: Taking swift action can make a significant difference in ensuring your tattoo heals beautifully without complications. Never hesitate to reach out if something doesn't feel right. Your safety and the longevity of your tattoo are paramount to us at Ink & Dagger.


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